A good example of a simple mineral is table salt (Yes, salt is a mineral.). The proper mineral name for table salt is halite, and a geologist will often identify it by tasting it. Salt is extremely soluble in water. Sea or ocean water is one of the major sources of the world supply of salt.
Individual salt (halite) crystals have a cubic shape.
How to make salt crystallize? Watch this videos and try at home!
You can create your own sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks! You can use crayons, jelly beans... Let me show you!
1. Simulating the rock cycle with CRAYONS
1. Grate or chop the crayons into small pieces, keeping the colours separate. (PENCIL SHARPENER IS SAFER!)
This represents weathering and erosion.
2. Sprinkle a layer of each colour crayon into a small piece of tin foil.
This is the laying down of sediments.
Fold up the foil (or put another piece on top) and press down on it very hard.
This simulates the pressure that creates sedimentary rock.
Unwrap your foil and examine your sedimentary rock.
3. Rewrap your squished crayon (sedimentary rock) and heat it by dunking it in very hot water for a few moments, then squish it some more. You could also use other metamorphic crayon-rocks or igneous crayon-rocks to make your metamorphic rock.
This represents heat and extreme pressure inside the Earth, which creates metamorphic rock.
4. Rewrap your heated, squished “metamorphic rock”. This time dunk it in the very hot water for long enough for the crayon to melt completely. Alternatively, briefly hold your foil packet in a candle flame which will melt your crayon more quickly. (Again, you can also use sedimentary or igneous crayon-rocks to make igneous crayon-rocks.)
The melted then cooled crayon represents igneous rock.
We let some of our melted crayons cool slowly, as would happen when magma cools slowly inside the Earth to create intrusive igneous rocks. We dunked other melted crayons (in their foil packet) in icy water to represent the fast cooling that takes place when lava cools outside the Earth, creating extrusive igneous rocks.
2. Starburst rocks (SUGUS)
The first rock we made was the SEDIMENTARY ROCK. The kids cut up their three Starburst candies with scissors. Some made tiny pieces, others were happy with just cutting them into quarters. Then, we pressed the "sediments" together to make a sedimentary rock.
We then warmed up our "rocks" in our hands and by blowing on them. It didn't take long for the candy to get warm! We folded it a few times and we had METAMORPHIC ROCKS!
And the IGNEOUS ROCK, use three Starburst candies and a microwave.
Vamos a comenzar la unidad 4 de su libro de Ciencias Sociales Oxford Think Do! Learn 4. Esta unidad tiene por título Rocks (“Rocas”), y en ella aprenderemos:
Los principales tipos de rocas: ígnea, sedimentaria y metamórfica.
Las propiedades que podemos encontrar en los minerales para distinguirlos.
La funcionalidad de los minerales en nuestra vida diaria.
La litosfera y las placas tectónicas de la Tierra.
Os adjunto el vocabulario más importante que aprenderá a lo largo de la unidad.
Quisiera animaros a que ayudéis a vuestro hijo/a a interiorizar los contenidos utilizando las audiciones y canciones de la unidad, la presentación PowerPoint y las actividades de Let’s play! ubicados en la Plus Zone. Asimismo, os invito a clasificar con vuestros hijos diferenes tipos de rocas y escribir sus propiedades, así como a disfrutar del blog de la clase.
Sin duda, vuestra colaboración ayudará a que vuestro hijo/a aprenda y se divierta.
Se usa cuando hablamos de sustantivos incontables.
Un sustantivo incontable es aquel que no se puede contar: aire, agua, luz, nieve, lluvia, hierro, equipaje, dinero, tiempo, fruta... (time, money, luggage, furniture, water, light, snow, fruit...)
How much money have you got?
How much furniture have you got in your house?
Se usa cuando hablamos de sustantivos contables.
Un sustantivo contable es aquel que se puede contar en unidades separadas: edificios, lunares, coches, frutas, animales... (two apples, three houses, one spot, four dogs...)
Muchos sustantivos incontables los podemos convertir en contables poniéndoles algo delante:
2.- What is the smallest particle of matter? ___________ 3.- Writethe 3 states of matter. ___________ 4.- Complete these sentences: ........................is made of matter. Matter can be natural or ................. All matter has a ....................and a ................... 5.- Finish these sentences:Hard materials are dificult to............... or......... Soft materials are easy to..............or............
A material that is difficult to break is ......... A material that is easy to break is................ 6.- True or False: a) Water is a thermal conductor ..... b) Molecules can move slowly or quickly........... c) At low temperatures they move slowly........ d) At high temperatures they move very slowly..... e) Thermal insulators can get very hot........... f) Plastic is aThermal insulator........... g) Materials allow energy to pass through them, are conductors. 7.- Choose the correct answer: a) Do 2 substances mixed together form a pure substances or a mixture? .............. b) In a mixture you can see all the elements, Is it homogeneous or heterogeneous?............... c) A solution is a homogeneous or a heterogeneous mixture?............... d) The substance that dissolves, is the solute or the solvent?............... e) A pizza, is a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture?............... f) In hot chocolate, The milk is the solvent or the solute? .................
8.- Say physical or chemical change:a) When iron rusts it is ........................ b)When we cut paper it is a ................ c) Whe we move a ball it is a ............... d) When a banana rots it is a ..................... e) When milk ferments it is a ...............