miércoles, 10 de abril de 2019


A Journey through Prehistory

Narrator: Hello children!
You´re in for something special today.
Two children, just like you, have lost their way!
They wanted to explore history
But they can't figure out their time machine.

Join me at the theater for a play
And we hope our friends learn something today!

Time Traveller 1: (walking around, lost, looking at map) Where am I? Hello? Is anyone here?
Scientist: Why, hello there! What are you doing here? In the space time continuum! We never see anyone here!
Time Traveller 2: I was playing with my time machine and it broke. Can you help me?
Scientist: Sure! But before I bring you back to the present, we should pass through Prehistory.
Time Traveller 1: What´s that?
Student 1: Prehistory is divided into three periods. The first is Paleolithic. The second is Neolithic. And the third is Bronze and Iron Ages. Prehistory started when people started writing.
Time Traveller 2: Sounds cool! Let´s go!
(Time Traveller and Narrator get into time machine. Push buttons and then start flying through time)
Paleolithic Person 1: I live in the Paleolithic Period. We were nomadic. We hunted and fished to get food.
Paleolithic Person 2: We make tools from stone, wood, and animal bones. Here is a present: a spear for hunting.
(gives spear to student)
Time Traveller 2: Wow. That´s so nice of you! Thanks!
Scientist: Let`s get moving children! We have two more periods to visit.
Neolithic Person 1: Hello! I´m from the Neolithic Period. We cultivated crops and raised animals. We have stopped moving around and live in villages.
Neolithic Person 2: Some of us were artisans. Some of us were farmers. Here is a ceramic pot I made from clay. It´s for you.
(gives pot to student)
Time Traveller 1: That's very generous of you. Many thanks!
Scientist: Time to visit the last part of Prehistory, the Bronze and Iron Ages!
(Get into time machine and travel)
Bronze and Iron Ages Person 1: Welcome to the Bronze and Iron Ages! We melted metal to make tools, jewellry, and weapons.
Bronze and Iron Ages Person 2: We invented the wheel, which made transport easier. Here is a sculpture I made for you. Its a megalith.
(hands sculpture to student)
Time Traveller 2: Wow, it is the biggest sculpture I have ever seen!
Scientist: Friends, we must hurry. The time machine is losing battery!
Time Traveller 1: Thanks for teaching us about Prehistory. We enjoyed meeting your friends.
Time Traveller 2: Time to go back to the present. It will be dinnertime soon.  

Narrator FINAL: Its clear the students learned so much
All while having tons of fun
We hope you learned something too
Because being smart is the best thing you can do!

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